Monday 1 June 2020

5 DIY Appliance Maintenance Tips to Keep Them Running Like New

There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with troublesome home appliances. If you want to keep your life smooth and easy then take good care of your home appliances and for that, you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money every time. With proper care, you can increase the performance and durability of the appliance.

If you are among those who often encounter refrigerator that does not cool properly or a washing machine that often troubles you then here we are sharing some easy DIY tips that could help you in keeping appliances sound.  
Whether you need assistance for appliance installation or need professional servicing to fix the underlying problem some professionals are just a call away from you and they can help you with over repair, dishwasher installation, dryer duct cleaning Lake Tahoe and more. Find a reliable and professional agency near you in Lake Tahoe and fix the home appliance related issues.

Many servicing centers excel in home appliance repair services to its clients. There is no harm in having some DIY tips related to appliance care and maintenance. You might have experienced that when a machine is handled with care it throws fewer tantrums, but when it is roughly used it creates more trouble.

You don’t have to be a qualified engineer to run a machine properly, but you must know how to use the machine and what are do’s and Don’ts of the machine. This basic knowledge will help you in keeping your home appliances in order. Remember, replacement and repairing of the appliance are costly, but maintenance and proper care can add more life to the appliances.

1. Be gentle on our refrigerator door: keep the door gasket clean. Clean all the buildup stored on the gasket with warm water. Avoid using a detergent for cleaning gasket as it may loosen the grip. Close the door gently as rough handling of the door may allow gas to escape the interior and the refrigerator will demand more gas to keep it cool.

2. Clean refrigerator coils: are you facing a cooling issue in your refrigerator on hot days? Consider cleaning the coil before calling the service center. Locate the coil and clean it with a coil cleaning brush or vacuum clean it, when the coils are cleaner, the cooling becomes more efficient.

3. Never overload the washing machine: it is noticed that people overload the washing machine to save time, electricity, or water. But they forget that overloading the machine may damage the motor, belt, and other moving parts. Repairing washing machine and dryer are quite expensive, so it is suggested to be gentle with the washer and dryer and do not overload it.

4. If you find washer dryer vibration annoying then here is a solution. Use anti-vibration pads to control the vibration. Always shut and open the washer-dryer door with care. Slamming the door might break the door switch or lid. Repairing or replacing the door might be expensive, better close the door gently to avoid trouble.

5. Clean your air conditioner filter in spring: clean your window AC in spring. As it might have stored some unwelcoming items such as dead bugs, mold, dust, and dirt. Vacuum and clean the filter, clean the surface, cover panel before turning on the AC.
Take good care of appliances like oven, AC, washer/dryer, refrigerator, and enjoy the flawless performance. And if you are facing trouble that seems bigger than your talent then call professional appliance repair service provider near you.


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5 DIY Appliance Maintenance Tips to Keep Them Running Like New

There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with troublesome home appliances. If you want to keep your life smooth and easy the...